Therapeutic And Rehabilitation Center For Children With IDD's

CBR Project Overview:

  1. This is a Community Based Rehabilitation Programme Implemented By SHRADHA and Supported by Tata Power Western Odisha Distribution Limited (TPWODL) in collaboration with govt. of Odisha in 9 Gram Panchayat’s of Bisra Block i.e (Bisra, Bondamunda, Jhirpani, Jamsera, Dareikela,Kapatmunda, Manko,Santoshpur&Udusu) under which we are covering total 43 villagers.
  2. We have reached to 855 PwDs from four GPs out of which 283 female and 572 Male. Expecting to reach up to 1200 PwDs from these five new G.Ps. The purpose of this project is to establish a Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) system aimed at improving the lives of differently abled person’s within their community. The main objective of the project is to provide the PwDs their equal rights and opportunities to bring them to the mainstreaming of the society. The program will focus on providing comprehensive support, training, and resources to enhance their physical, social, and emotional well-being. By involving the community and fostering inclusivity, this project aims to create an environment where disabled individuals can grow and develop well.
  3. In order to achieve the above said objectives we are undertaking some activities in the field like identification of unreached PwDs through household Survey, Awareness programmes on the rights of differently abled persons & Govt. schemes meant for them, opening of 4 counselling, vocational training and rehabilitation centres with the help of GP sarpanch and local stakeholders and community and provide vocational trainings to make the illegible PwDs became self independent and self depended. Provide therapy to the PwDs for their physical rehabilitation, linkages with Govt. as well as Private stakeholder for the betterment of Differently abled person. Providing handholding support to the PwDs in accessing the Govt. Services.
  4. A Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) project aims to empower persons with disability by integrating them into society and improving their quality of life. Our project focuses on providing holistic support, including medical care, education, vocational training, social inclusion and advocacy. Through collaboration with local communities and stakeholders, we strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone regardless of ability, can participate actively and contribute meaningfully to society.


  1. Enhance Access to Healthcare: Ensure that persons with disabilities have access to essential healthcare services, including medical treatment, rehabilitation therapies, assistive devices, and preventive care.
  2. Promote Inclusive Education: Facilitate access to quality education for children and adults with disabilities by promoting inclusive classrooms, providing special education support, training teachers on inclusive practices, and advocating for accessible educational materials.
  3. Facilitate Economic Empowerment: Offer vocational training programs, entrepreneurship opportunities, and job placement services to enhance the economic independence and self-sufficiency of persons with disabilities.
  4. Ensure Social Inclusion: Organize community awareness campaigns, workshops, and events to promote understanding, acceptance, and inclusion of persons with disabilities in social, cultural, and recreational activities.
  5. Advocate for Rights and Accessibility: Advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities at local, national, and international levels, and work towards creating accessible environments, policies, and services that support their full participation in society.
  6. Provide Support Services: Offer counselling, peer support, and caregiver training to empower individuals with disabilities and their families to cope with challenges and build resilience.
  7. Foster Collaboration: Collaborate with local governments, NGOs, healthcare providers, schools, businesses, and community leaders to create a network of support and resources for persons with disabilities.

Target Audience:

The project will primarily serve disabled individuals living within the community, including those with physical, sensory, intellectual, and developmental disabilities. Additionally, families, caregivers, and community members will benefit from education and awareness initiatives.


Project location and beneficiaries

The project is being implemented in Bisra block of Sundargarh district. Four on-going projects including five new Gram Panchayat has been added to the project implementation area. In this phage – II, we have been planning to take five new GPs named Dareikela, Kapatmunda, Manko, Santoshpur and Udusuconsists of 29 villages with a total population of 24,595. Tentatively we are targeting to cover at least 1000 PwD along with 855 existing beneficiaries.

Target Area and No of PwD Reached in FY 23-24
Target Area and No of PwD Reached in FY 23-24


  1. Assessment and Needs Identification:
    • Conduct a thorough assessment of the community to identify the prevalence of disabilities, existing support systems, and gaps in services.
    • Identify the specific needs of persons with disabilities (PWDs) in the community, considering physical, social, economic, and psychological aspects.
  2. Stakeholder Engagement:
    • Engage with key stakeholders such as local government bodies, NGOs, healthcare providers, educational institutions, and community leaders.
    • Collaborate with PWDs and their families to understand their perspectives, challenges, and aspirations.
  3. Developing Programs and Services:
    • Design and implement programs tailored to the identified needs, including rehabilitation services, vocational training, educational support, and counselling.
    • Provide assistive devices and technologies to enhance independence and mobility for PWDs.
  4. Capacity Building:
    • Train local community members, including healthcare workers, educators, and volunteers, in disability awareness, CBR principles, and service delivery.
    • Empower PWDs and their families through training on rights, advocacy, and self-care.
  5. Advocacy and Awareness:
    • Conduct public awareness campaigns to reduce stigma and discrimination against PWDs and promote inclusion and accessibility.
    • Advocate for policy changes and resource allocation to support CBR initiatives at the local, regional, and national levels.
  6. Monitoring and Evaluation:
    • Establish monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to assess the impact of CBR programs, track progress, and make data-driven decisions.
    • Regularly review and update interventions based on feedback, best practices, and changing community needs.
  7. Sustainability and Collaboration:
    • Develop partnerships with diverse stakeholders to ensure long-term sustainability of CBR initiatives.

Action Plan

  1. Preparation Phase:
    • Define project objectives, target beneficiaries, and desired outcomes.
    • Establish a project team with roles and responsibilities clearly defined.
    • Develop a project timeline with milestones and deadlines.
  2. Assessment and Planning:
    • Conduct a comprehensive community needs assessment to identify the scope of disabilities, existing resources, and gaps in services.
    • Analyse assessment findings to prioritize areas of intervention and develop a CBR strategy.
    • Engage stakeholders, including PWDs, families, local authorities, and relevant organizations, in the planning process.
  3. Program Development:
    • Design CBR programs and services based on assessed needs, such as rehabilitation interventions, vocational training, educational support, and counselling.
    • Create curriculum and materials for training sessions, workshops, and awareness campaigns.
    • Procure necessary resources, equipment, and assistive devices for program implementation.
  4. Capacity Building:
    • Conduct training sessions for project staff, volunteers, and community members on CBR principles, disability awareness, and service delivery.
    • Provide specialized training for healthcare professionals, educators, and caregivers on disability-specific interventions and support techniques.
  5. Implementation Phase:
    • Launch CBR programs and services according to the established timeline.
    • Monitor program activities, participant progress, and outcomes regularly.
    • Provide on-going support, supervision, and mentoring to project staff and volunteers.
  6. Monitoring and Evaluation:
    • Implement a monitoring and evaluation framework to assess program effectiveness, impact on beneficiaries, and adherence to project goals.
    • Collect data through surveys, interviews, and performance indicators to measure outcomes and identify areas for improvement.
    • Use evaluation findings to make informed decisions, adjust interventions as needed, and report progress to stakeholders.
  7. Sustainability and Expansion:
    • Develop strategies for sustainability, resource mobilization, and partnership development.
    • Explore opportunities to scale up successful interventions, expand services to reach more beneficiaries, and replicate best practices in other communities.
    • Advocate for policy changes, community engagement, and collaboration to promote long-term impact and inclusion of PwDs.
  8. Documentation and Reporting:
    • Maintain accurate records of project activities, expenditures, and outcomes.
    • Prepare regular progress reports, case studies, and success stories to share with donors, partners, and stakeholders.
    • Document lessons learned, challenges faced, and strategies for improvement to inform future CBR initiatives.
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